Support County Vets With The Maine Wounded Warrior Shoot Out VII Aug 13
Whether combat or non-combat, support for veterans in the County is really coming around, thanks to folks like you. Here's another way to support them!
Come show your support and check out our combat wounded veterans shoot full-auto all day! This has been deemed as the largest veteran shoot on the east coast.
The Maine Wounded Warrior Shoot Out VII is presented by the Maine Infantry Foundation and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Program and other Maine-based organizations.
Come join the fun where you can rent machine guns, eat some really good BBQ, and partake in hourly give-a-ways.
The event is hosted by Williams Machine Gun Range, LLC and will feature M-16's, AK47's, RPK's, M-60's and a host of others.
Gates open at 9 a.m. on August 13th.
For more information about the event, please contact Gayle Cunningham here or visit their website at