Prince rarely does photo shoots, but this one was really important. The Purple One had to get his passport photo taken before he embarked on his Australian tour. For normal folks this is a dreaded process, but for the man who gave us Purple Rain, it was flawless (no Beyonce).

Last week, Prince (or his assistant) tweeted his new passport pic and we have to say that the Minneapolis native hasn’t aged one bit. His face has no blemishes, no bags under his eyes, his afro is immaculate and his pursed lips say it all -- "My name is Prince and I am Funky."

Whatever Prince is doing to keep himself youthful is certainly working.

Meanwhile, on his Australian tour, Prince took a moment to remember his late protege Vanity, who passed away on Monday (Feb. 15) after a long kidney-related illness. He performed "Little Red Corvette" and the "Beautiful Ones" in her honor. Later, while performing “The Ladder,” he changed the woman’s name in the song from “Electra” to “Vanity.”

“Can I tell you a story about Vanity? Or should I tell you a story about Denise? Her and I used to love each other deeply,” Prince told the audience. “She loved me for the artist I was, I loved her for the artist she was trying to be. She and I would fight. She was very headstrong ’cause she knew she was the finest woman in the world. She never missed an opportunity to tell you that.”

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