Challenger Learning Center in Bangor sells Maine potatoes as a fundraiser and today is the last day to order. All you need is right here. Pick up of the potatoes is tomorrow. So hopefully you can step up and help out as they hold their annual Spud Drive. Buy a 50-pound bag of Aroostook County premium Russet Potatoes to support Challenger's mission to inspire Maine students. It was a good year for potatoes in The County.

"Challenger loves our unique spud drive and not just because potatoes have been to space!"

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Potatoes on the floor.

"This fundraiser benefits Challenger's mission to bring STEM programming to Maine students, and helps provide food donations for our local Salvation Army of Bangor.  It is a great way to give locally this season and the 50 lbs bags are a great price!"

That's according to Kirsten Hibbard, executive director of Challenger Learning Center of Maine.

The cost is $25 for a 50-pound bag. However, if you buy 2 or more bags the price drops to $20 a bag. Maybe if you only need one bag you can donate a second bag to the Salvation Army of Bangor. And feel good knowing you're helping out those in need.

I grew up on potatoes. You might have, too. No exaggeration, It wasn't one occasion that there were potatoes on our dinner plate, it was every night.

My kid brother and I used to come to the table and in unison recite "Potatoes at every meal". Sometimes they were boiled. Sometimes they were mashed. And every so often they were baked.

Then the next day with breakfast or lunch, we'd have the leftover 'taters from the night before. Fried. Loved the rare occasion that my Dad did the frying, cause he liked them just like I did. Crispy. Nothing to me like crispy home fried potatoes.

And as an adult nothing like cutting those potatoes up and covering them in oil and fresh rosemary and broiling them.

Have I convinced you to get a bag or two?

All you need is right here. 

The pick-up date this year will be Friday, November 19 noon to 7 PM.

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