
Apparently there was a great turnout for the fishing derby at Mantle Lake Park in Presque Isle on Saturday.  I wouldn’t know because I had a prior commitment and was unable to take my brood.  Father-of-the-year, I know.  What I did do to try to make up for it was to take them fishing Sunday afternoon.  I should preface this by stating that I can count the number of times that I’ve been fishing on one hand and all of those times were before I hit double digits.

I have nothing against fishing.  Growing up, it was just never my thing.  For me to take all four of my kids to the river and basically teach them how to fish I needed some reinforcements.  Enter my wife and her father, who apparently have been fishing a LOT more than I have.  My two youngest (five and three) decided that it was more fun to wade in the water with their clothes on.  In fairness, they saw Grampy do it first.


We decided to switch locations and my wife took the youngest home for a nap and Grampy had to go and do ‘Grampy’ things.  I was on my own.  I baited all of the hooks and taught them how to cast.  I’m patting myself on the back here.  I can’t tell you what I would’ve done had anyone actually caught a fish.


Relying on what I’ve heard, fishing is all about patience, and you know, kids these days don’t have any.  I will say that in the heat of that Sunday afternoon with the sun shining a kind of peace fell over me as I kept my eye on three bobbers while my fishermen did other things.  I think it may become a regular thing.

What will you do to relax this summer?  Go fishing?  Camping?  Let us know on Facebook.

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