The national Click it or Ticket campaign has started in Maine.  

The program aims to increase law enforcement participation by coordinating seat belt enforcement and providing seat belt fact sheets for drivers at heavily traveled and highly visible state border checkpoints. The Click It or Ticket campaign runs to June 3 and includes the upcoming Memorial Day holiday weekend.

“Motorists need to remember that wearing a seat belt is the number one thing you can do to help prevent death or injury during a vehicle crash,” said Lauren V. Stewart, Director of the Maine Bureau of Highway Safety.

Maine State Police
Maine State Police

The kickoff for the effort this year took place this week in Kittery, as State Police from Maine and New Hampshire, the York County Sheriff’s Office, Kittery and Eliot Police, along with safety officials from Massachusetts, the Life Flight helicopter, American Ambulance North East and AAA participated. Speakers talked about the life saving value of seat belts.

The Bureau of Highway Safety has funneled thousands of federal dollars to Maine police departments to pay for overtime for officers to take part in the two week “ Click It or Ticket” campaign.

In addition to the seat belt enforcement activities, Maine State Police will have additional troopers on the road this holiday weekend looking for aggressive and impaired drivers.  The acting Chief of the State Police, Lt. Colonel John Cote, said,  “Memorial Day is the unofficial start to the summer driving season and State Troopers aim to make it a safe one.”   Cote said the additional enforcement will begin this week and extend through the weekend.  Cote said the past three Memorial Day weekends in Maine have been fatality free.

Cote said 36 people have died on Maine roads so far this year.  That is ten fewer than at this point in 2017. 

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