As Grimm Exits Stage Left, Shapiro Opens Up About WAGM Departure
"How about the weather... man?
The weather over the last weekend in northern Maine and New Brunswick was fantastic with sunshine, a touch of a warm breeze, and a bit of mugginess. However, the weather forecasters of our area became the hot topic of discussion in mid-July.
Drawing the curtain on Grimm's time at WAGM
First things first, on Friday evening the announcement was made that WAGM-TV meteorologist Robert Grimm is moving on from the television station. The Friday evening broadcast shared Grimm's farewell to the area as he pursues a passion for the theater. His post states that he plans to stay in the weather while chasing down another dream. Best of luck to you Robert and thank you for your dedication to the area while you were here.
Good luck, Robert
Robert did a fine job over the years and handled the lead duties when popular weatherman Ted Shapiro became ill. With the announcement of Grimm's departure, many people immediately clamored for the return of Shapiro. Sunday morning Ted Shapiro broke his silence about his departure from WAGM and what the future might hold for a reunion between the two. Take a look at Ted's post below.
Ted talks and the people responded
With well over 600 comments and close to 300 shares on Facebook alone, it is clear that Ted Shapiro is as popular with local residents today as he was ten years ago. An overwhelming majority of the comments were in support of Ted and many wished him well. A fan page with over 17,000 likes from Aroostook County is nothing to ignore. That is a massive following. There were a few people who didn't view him highly, but the keyboard does make some of us feel more emboldened than we normally would. Ted Shapiro wanted to be in The County and many in The County wanted Ted to come back.
Remember this in the coming days
The discussion didn't just fill Ted's page, but also others such as the Concerned Citizens of Presque Isle Facebook page. There were two posts over the weekend that gained over 100 comments with a range of opinions on the matter and breaking it down. However, the common theme was that Ted was great for the area. As pointed out by the page's most known publisher, Robert Howard, this is not the fault of the current weather person or the one recently hired to replace Grimm. (How many Roberts can we have in one story?) I will echo those words and say be kind to Rob Koenig as he takes over the lead duties.
Forecasting the future
We are not sure what will come of this but it seems now that the chances of a Ted Shapiro return seem very grim. All we can do is thank Ted for breaking his silence and letting his viewers and fans know what happened from his perspective.