After a one year absence Aroostook Day at the Legislature will be back in 2017. The Aroostook Partnership (AP) has scheduled the event for Wednesday, Jan. 25 at the Senator Inn in Augusta.

Maine State House, Augusta

According to Aroostook Partnership President Bob Dorsey, “We sponsor Aroostook Day as an opportunity for members of the private, public and non-profit sectors in Aroostook County to interact directly with our elected state representatives on issues of importance to The County.”

Dorsey said Aroostook Day at the Senator Inn begins with a social hour beginning at 5:30 p.m., followed by a meal and then more formal presentations.

Originated by LEADers Encouraging Aroostook Development (LEAD) more than 20 years ago, Aroostook Day has traditionally been well attended by Aroostook County folks and Maine Representatives from across the state.


Although Aroostook Day is a largely informal gathering, the opportunity to engage lawmakers is one AP officials appreciate. The format for the formal portion of the gathering is still taking shape, Dorsey indicated a panel discussion will be held focusing on incentivizing workforce opportunities, forestry and the potential for mining in Aroostook County.

More than 30 legislators and 50 County residents attended the function in 2015 and Dorsey is hoping for a similar, if not larger turnout this year.

“Bills enacted by the Maine Legislature can greatly impact Aroostook economic development efforts and our natural resources utilization and therefore it’s vital that our legislators get a perspective on our County opportunities and challenges so they can make the best decisions,” said Dorsey.

Anyone who would like more information or to attend Aroostook Day at the Legislature is urged to contact Judy Dinsmore at Northern Maine Development Commission by email at or by phone at (207) 493-5752.

This information was submitted to us as part of a press release. If you would like to share your community news or event with our audience, please email

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