Maybe it's because we tend to relive our past vicariously through our kids, or somehow we think that they're not getting fair treatment, but most of the bad behavior I see at youth sporting events is displayed by the parents, not the kids.

I was at my 10-year old son's basketball game recently. Now, keep in mind, I will yell from the sidelines to encourage my child. Admittedly I also try to guide the team to let them know who is open for a pass, etc. I'm sure the parents yelling instructions from the sidelines drives our kids crazy but for some reason we think we're helping (I don't think we really are). So one mother in the crowd begins to yell at the ref. Not politely either, but with anger. So much so that her husband even begins to shake his head. He didn't stop her of course, but then again neither did I.


We have to remember that these kids are learning as they go. They need to be able to win AND lose with integrity. It might be easier if they didn't have to explain away their parents behavior. Can you think of a time when you were in the crowd with some bad behaving parents? Tell us on Facebook.

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