
Listener's Vinyl
Listener's Vinyl
Listener's Vinyl
In honor of 'National Record Store Day,' which is Saturday, April 19th, we decided to ask if you still had any vinyl in your music collection. Maybe there's one record that sounds better on vinyl than in any other format. Maybe you're just finicky like me and like things the way they were. Either way, we wanted to know what you had in your collection. Here is some of what you shared.
Record Store Day!
Record Store Day!
Record Store Day!
Music lovers and collectors unite! Saturday, April 19th is National Record Store Day. What is NRSD? If you're under 40 you may be asking what a record is. Well to be honest, it's where music began and some believe it's where it still sound the best. The two-sided LP. If you've got a couple of minutes you may want to check out the video history below.