Memorial Day

How Much Traffic on the Maine Turnpike this Weekend?
How Much Traffic on the Maine Turnpike this Weekend?
How Much Traffic on the Maine Turnpike this Weekend?
Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Safe travel if you're hitting the road this weekend. 930,000 vehicles will travel the turnpike between Friday and Monday. The Busiest Times: Friday:  between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM northbound.  Monday: the York Toll Plaza southbound will have 55,000 departing Maine, with the heaviest times between 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM...
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Click it or Ticket
Click it or Ticket
You'd better buckle up and mind your p's and q's if you're out on the roadway this long weekend. Maine’s Bureau of Highway Safety, State Police and 54 other police departments are in the middle of a two week seat belt enforcement effort. The annual campaign centers around Memorial Day and will utilize federal highway safety funding to pay for overtime to allow officers to concentrate of seat belt
Memorial Day Ceremony
Memorial Day Ceremony
Memorial Day Ceremony
Got any plans for Memorial Day? How about attending a ceremony at the Maine Veterans Cemetery in Caribou? Memorial Day is the last Monday in May each year, and has been set aside by Congress to remember and pay tribute to our Nations fallen heroes. This year's ceremony will be held at 1 p.m.