Last year I interviewed Camille Hyde and Brennan Mejia, the Pink and Red Rangers on Power Rangers Dino Charge, and I found out what might be the most amazing thing about the entire franchise. The short version is that when they were cast as Power Rangers, after multiple auditions, they were brought in for a "screen test" and told to open a treasure chest to reveal their destiny, only to open it and find out they got the role.

It's the kind of thing that sounds so great that I wasn't sure I believed them, but this weekend at Power Morphicon, Saban put together a "blooper reel" for Dino Charge that included the footage of the moment that all five actors found out they're Power Rangers --- and believe it or not, that wasn't the most delightful thing that happened at the show.

Power Morphicon also revealed the cast for the next series, Power Rangers Ninja Steel, set to premiere in January, based on the Japanese Shuriken Sentai Nininger, about a group of flashy ninjas who fight evil as "the shinobi who don't stay hidden."



The new cast includes Will Shewfelt as Brody, the Red Ranger; Chrysti Ane Lopes as Sarah, the Pink Ranger; Chantz Simpson as Calvin, the Yellow Ranger; Zoe Robins as Hayley, the White Ranger; and Peter Adrian as Preston, The Blue Ranger.

If that last one sounds a little familiar, there's a good reason for it: Peter Adrian is the brother of the actor playing the current Blue Ranger, Yoshi Sudarso, and the thing is, nobody told Yoshi that his brother was cast as a Power Ranger. Instead, he found out when the rest of the world did at the announcement, after the producers kept it a surprise:



No, you're crying about Power Rangers. Again.


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