My wife and I will have been married for 17 years this coming June. We've know each other since we were Freshmen in high school. We didn't start dating until after she graduated college. There's a history there. I was driving to work and I heard an ad for one of those online dating sites. Essentially, if you have formed a relationship through one of these sites it solidifies the idea of fate and destiny, right?

Christopher Brignell/Thinkstock
Christopher Brignell/Thinkstock

Because if there's no history yet between you and the match you're starting from zero. I guess it doesn't mean that you get married a year after you meet, but some do. It's kind of a scary thought to me but who am I to judge. It's worked for a lot of people. Watching this hilarious 80s dating video made me feel for 'all the single ladies.'

Has online dating worked for you? Are you still in that relationship? Tell us at 764-ROCK or on Facebook.


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