Picking your nose and ultimately, eating your boogers could make you a healthier individual, according to a Canadian biochemistry teacher that we have officially deemed gross.

Scott Napper, a professor from the University of Saskatchewan, is currently trying to build some interest in a proposed study regarding the health benefits of actually ingesting all of those disgusting things that come from a person’s nose. Napper suggests that by eating our own mucus, we can teach our bodies to be more resilient to the very germs that make us sick.

Napper’s idea to study the effects of booger eating would involve half of his participants actually consuming nose junk, while the other, luckier half would be encouraged not to.

“I think the challenge would be getting volunteers to participate in this experiment,” he says. “Especially if you didn’t know which group you were going to fall into.”

Napper says that by giving science a more humorous twist, it is easier to keep students interested in class.

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