Sometimes, hair makes the man. Just look at Bono's reign in the '80s. You might think The Joshua Tree. Or "humanitarian." But almost as much as any of his achievements, the dude's mullet helped set him apart in an era when, let's face it, looks counted for a lot. One of rock's all-time greatest mullets faces off against Bob Seger's pretty fine hair in the opening round of March Mullet Madness.

While college basketball goes nuts with March Madness this month, we're practicing our own brand of insanity: all business in the front, and a party in the back. That's right, classic rock fans — this month, it's time to put your bracketology skills to the test with March Mullet Madness. We've lined up some of history's most spectacular mullets and paired them off against each other for a series of tonsorial battles, and we're halving the field every week based on your votes, until only the greatest mullet in rock 'n' roll history is left standing.

The mullet was around before and after Bono's, but damn if the U2 singer didn't come to define it in the '80s. And like so many other rock stars who dared to wear this 'do, the mullet came to symbolize his music: Here was a serious artist who wasn't afraid to go wild once in a while. Seger, on the other hand, may have just opted for a haircut like this because his biker mane – a carryover from the early '70s, when he didn't mix up much in terms of music or his style – was just taking too long to comb every morning. Or maybe not.

So which of these mullets gets your vote? If you just can't decide, don't worry — you can come back and keep voting once an hour between now and when the Round One polls close on March 21 at 11:59PM ET. Our March Mullet Madness winner will be announced on April 12.


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