So yesterday on the show my friend Doug, the man I've known more than 30 years, proceeded to call me an elitist when it comes to music. He then took it back and called me something that I'm not sure is much better, a 'musical snob.' What? Me?

Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

To an extent, I'm afraid it might be true. I partially blame it on the fact that I'm also a working musician. We just look at recorded music and music performance differently. I don't necessarily discount anyone's talents or vision, but I do tend to critique. Mainly because I just want to be up there on stage playing with them. It's hard for me to dance at a local bar that has a band.

That's not to say that I don't thoroughly enjoy myself at a concert. It's a hang-up but I can kick it loose when I need to. What about you? Are you a musical snob or do you know someone who is? Call the show at 764-ROCK or tell us on Facebook. Here's a hilariously true video I found on the subject, and for the record I am NOT the bearded guy. Enjoy.



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